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வியாழன், 2 செப்டம்பர், 2010

'The best way to root out corruption is to make it known!' -Peter Eigen

Mr.Peter Eigen : Founder- "Transparency International"
( An International Forum against corruption and Bribery)

Listen to his AV clippings here:

As a director of the World Bank in Nairobi, Peter Eigen saw firsthand how devastating corruption can be. He's founder of Transparency International, an NGO that works to persuade international companies not to bribe.

Why you should listen to him?

From the website of Transparency International comes this elegant definition:  

What is corruption?

Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. 

It hurts everyone whose life, livelihood or happiness depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority.

Peter Eigen knows this. He worked in economic development for 25 years, mainly as a World Bank manager of programs in Africa and Latin America. Among his assignments, he served as director of the regional mission for Eastern Africa from 1988 to 1991. Stunned by the depth and pervasiveness -- and sheer destructiveness -- of the corruption he encountered, he formed the group Transparency International to take on some of the main players in deals with corrupt officials: multinational corporations.
Eigen believes that the best way to root out corruption is to make it known.
Thus, Transparency International works to raises awareness of corruption, and takes practical action to address it, including public hearings.

-Mohan Balki

புதன், 1 செப்டம்பர், 2010

Never Free download Uniblue Registery Booster! It will not work-and will sit in the Desktop! Way to Delete Uniblue !

Dear Friends!
I recently Free downloaded the Uniblue registry booster.  
It does not work at all
But, when i just wanted to delete and get rid of it, it has never gone from my desktop by various methods.
When i started searching in the web, there are forums criticizing the intention of Uniblue and alike companies doing mishap to users.
Many of such Free Soft wares do not work properly, but sit with our computer adamantly and asking for money to move on. When we want to delete it at last , it can not be deleted by any number of methods. We can find lot of such unwanted junks in our PC which slow down our computers.

OK. Here, at last i found a (forgotten easy) way as one said it in the forum. 

I just want to make it easier to understand. 
Just go to My computer> 
Programme files>
Uniblue (will be there, some times these people will be hiding in some other name too). 
Then you open the ‘Uniblue’ folder. 
Open it and you will find some bunch of sub folders and files in it. 
You find out ‘uninstall’ and click open. 
It will uninstall completely. 
Your head ache will be gone! 
Good Luck!

For more Tips and ideas
go to:

-Mohan balki