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சனி, 17 ஆகஸ்ட், 2024

Why do I like Dr. Thirumavalavan, VCK? Poem

Who is Thiruma, my heart asked me?
A warrior for justice, is the answer I see.
With Periyar and Ambedkar as his guiding light,
He fights for equality, day and night.

A coin with two sides, a symbol so fine,
Heads and tails, a perfect blend in design.
Thiruma's heart beats for a noble cause,
Compassion and equality, his endless pause.

His sword is his voice, his shield is his might,
He battles for truth, day and night.
No unfair thoughts cross his mind,
Integrity is his guide, all the time.

Born in a community, once oppressed,
He works for their progress, and never repressed.
He sees beyond castes, and creed,
A true leader, in word and deed.

He runs tirelessly, for a noble cause,
A society free from discrimination's laws.
No rest for his legs, no pause in his stride,
Thiruma, the warrior, gliding with pride.

Not just a leader, but a guiding light,
For brothers lost, and sisters in flight.
A friend to companions, on this journey long,
Thiruma, the brave, singing a happy song.

Let's give him rest, for his weary feet,
For now, let's ease his physical beat.
May we continue his mission, for 100 years and more,
Carrying his legacy, forever in store.


Yozen Balki 
Senior psychologist 

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